INSERT into rocknes_potentialhires (submitted_date,location,lname,mname,fname,p_street,p_city,p_state,p_zipcode,pr_street,pr_city,pr_state,pr_zipcode,dphone,ephone,age,work_us,position,rate,weekearnings,referred,date_start,worked_withus,employed_loc,date_employedf,date_employedt,convicted,s_explain,spilt_shift,stay_emergency,hoilidays,hrs_week,mona,monp,tuea,tuep,weda,wedp,tha,thp,fra,frp,saa,sap,sua,sup,hsn,hsl,hsc,hsy,hsd,hsg,csn,csl,csc,csy,csd,csg,archived, email) values('#dateformat(submitted_date,'yyyy-mm-dd')#','#theSelection#','#Form.ln#','','#Form.fn#','#Form.pstr#','#Form.pcity#','#Form.pstate#','#Form.pzip#','#Form.prstr#','#Form.prcity#','#Form.prstate#','#Form.przip#','#Form.dayphone#','#Form.evengphone#','#Form.age18#''OVER 21''18-20','','#pos#','','#Form.wr#','#Form.referr#', '#dateformat(Form.dateavailable,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'NULL, '#Form.worked#','#form.workedlocation#', '#dateformat(Form.dateworkedf,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'null, '#dateformat(Form.dateworkedt,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'null, '#Form.court#','#Form.courted#','#Form.split#','#Form.late#','#Form.holidays#','#Form.hrsweek#','#Form.mona#','#Form.monp#','#Form.tuea#','#Form.tuep#','#Form.weda#','#Form.wedp#','#Form.thura#','#Form.thurp#','#Form.fria#','#Form.frip#','#Form.sata#','#Form.satp#','#Form.suna#','#Form.sunp#','#Form.hsn#','#Form.hsl#','#Form.hsc#','#Form.hsy#','#Form.hsd#','#Form.hsg#','','','','','','','New','') SELECT MAX(apply_id) as apply_id FROM rocknes_potentialhires where fname='#Form.fn#' and lname='#Form.ln#' and dphone = '#Form.dayphone#' INSERT into rocknes_potentialhires_prvemp (apply_id,present_emp,phone,address,salary,fromd,tod,superv,position,reason,title) values (#getappid.apply_id#,'#Form.pen#','#Form.pep#','#Form.pea#','#Form.pesu#', '#dateformat(Form.pewf,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'null, '#dateformat(Form.pewt,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'null, '#Form.pes#','#Form.pepo#','#Form.per#','') INSERT into rocknes_potentialhires_prvemp (apply_id,present_emp,phone,address,salary,fromd,tod,superv,position,reason,title) values (#getappid.apply_id#,'#Form.pen2#','#Form.pep2#','#Form.pea2#','#Form.pesu2#', '#dateformat(Form.pewf2,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'NULL, '#dateformat(Form.pewt2,'yyyy-mm-dd')#'NULL,'#Form.pes2#','#Form.pepo2#','#Form.per2#','#form.pet2#') SELECT value FROM rocknes_codes where name='serverHostName' SELECT value FROM rocknes_codes where name='userName' SELECT value FROM rocknes_codes where name='password' SELECT managerEmail,otherEmail FROM rocknes_email where storeName='#theSelection#' Your store has received an employment application.

We have received your employment application. Thank you for applying to work at Rockne's.


Working at Rockne's is like no place else!

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Application for Employment

In order for you to be considered for employment, this application must be filled out in its entirety. Resume can be uploaded in addition to completing this form.

Previous Address:

(If lived at present address less than 2 years)

Yes No

Yes No

Date Picker
Yes No
Yes No

Work Schedule Availability

What shifts/hours are you available to work? (Please list hours in each AM/PM box)

Yes No
Yes No
Yes No


Type School
School Name
School Location
Courses Majored
Last Year Completed
Grade Average
High School
Yes No
Yes No

Previous Employment Experience

Present Employer Phone From
Your position Supervisor
Address Salary To
Reason for Leaving Title
Previous Employer Phone From
Your position Supervisor
Address Salary To
Reason for Leaving Title



In compliance with the FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT, I have been advised that a credit report may be ordered to check my credit history, bankruptcies, suits and judgments.

If accepted for employment, I agree to submit myself for examination by a physician of Rockne's Restaurant selection as often as may be requested.

In consideration of my employment I agree to the rules and regulations of Rockne's Restaurants employment and compensation can be terminated with or without cause and without notice, at any time, at option of either Rockne's or myself.

I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that deliberate falsification of this information is grounds for dismissal in accordance with Rockne's Restaurants policy. I authorize all persons, companies, schools, credit bureaus, and government agencies to supply any information concerning my background, and release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing same to you. I also release Rockne's from all liability from damage arising from this research of my background.

I have read and fully understand the above Notice Section. I understand that my application will remain active for 60 days from date received.

By submitting this form, you are stating that this information is accurate. The submission of the form is in place of signing.

Click the submit button once please. A return email letting you know we received your application will be sent to the email address provided above.

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